Unpublished and original contributions are encouraged to submit via the MSAM Online Submission System. All submitted full papers will go through the peer review process and acceptance will be based on the quality, originality, language and relevance.
Accepted full papers will get published in:
Option A:
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Conference Proceeding)
Indexed By: Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI-S, Inspec, etc.;
Option B:
Strength of Materials (indexed by Science Citation Index).
ISSN: 0039-2316 (Print) 1573-9325 (Online) |
JCR Impact factor 2016: 0.443 |
Publication Type: Special Issue |
*The two options are different, kindly consult the organizing committee for more details.
Best Oral Presentations
Congratulations! 5 winners of the Best Oral Presentations from MSAM2018 are awarded with the free registration to MSAM2019:
Session 1: Measuring Methods and Applications
Winner: Auezhan Amanov, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sun Moon University, Korea
Presented Paper: Increase in strength and mitigation of fretting damage of Ni-based superalloys for aerospace and nuclear applications
Session 2: Computational Methods and Modelings
Winner: Andreas Wierschem, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlan-gen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany
Presented Paper: Incipient motion of a single sphere on regular substrates at low particle Reynolds numbers
Session 3: Simulation Processes
Winner: Tatsuhiko Aizawa, Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan
Presented Paper: Homogeneous and heterogeneous micro-structuring of austenitic stainless steels by the low temperature plasma nitriding
Session 4 (A): Materials Properties
Winner: Dae-Eun Kim, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Presented Paper: Friction and wear reduction of micro-scale systems
Session 4 (B): Materials Properties
Winner: Bernard Haochih Liu, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China
Presented Paper: Evaluation of nanoscale elastic modulus of bacteria and hyperelastic materials by AFM nanoindentation
2018 5th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (
PCM 2018)
April 10-13, 2018 in Kitakyushu, Japan