Invited Speaker----Dr. Ying Liu

Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China
Dr. Ying Liu is currently a tenured associate professor/ special researcher, working at Institute of machine design, one of the branches of the State Key Lab. of Tribology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsignhua University. She got her Ph.D in 2003 in Tsinghua University. She worked as a visiting scholar at UCSD in USA during March, 2005-Sept. 2005. Her research interest focus on the wear and friction behavior of the materials used in the slide bearing and mechanical seal with water lubrication and the performance analysis of these critical parts considered the influence of flow-solid heat coupling. She has gained more than 80 journal publications including Tribology International and Tribology Transactions, Journal of Materials Science & Technology etc. Also, she has authorized 24 national invention patents. She is the peer reviewer for domestic and international mainstream publications, such as “Tribology Transactions”, “Journal of Tribology”, "Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering" (both in Chinese and English), " Tribology" (in Chinese).