For Conference Proceedings
Authors are invited to submit original technical papers (Deadline: April 15, 2019) for publication in the conference proceedings - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, CPCI, etc).
Submission Requirements
1. Make sure your paper is formatted according to the template:
Microsoft Word templates
LaTeX2e class file
2. Manuscripts must be written in English with a minimum paper length of 5 pages including figures and preferably no more than 7 pages, or extra fee of $50 will be charged for each additional page.
3. Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is strongly prohibited. Paper originality will be checked for several times during the review process and before publication.
4. Acceptance or rejection will be announced after the peer review process (about 2 months)